Vinidex Basket - Sink-Shield 2, Sink-Guard 2 & Drain-Guard 2 INDENT ONLY - V93033

Model: V93033

Vinidex Dry Basket Arrestor products are trade wastewater pretreatment devices for commercial sinks and floors. Food waste and other solid materials are screened out and retained so they will not enter wastewater.
Solids are first screened by a perforated stainless steel basket. The basket can be removed when full, emptied into a bin and consigned to landfill. In the event that the outlet is subject to influent without the basket being in position, a secondary screening plate fitted below the basket will collect the solid waste.
Council trade waste officers are actively encouraging the use of sink screening devices in conjunction with grease converters and traps to reduce suspended solids and improve their overall effectiveness.

  • Vinidex Basket - Sink-Shield 2, Sink-Guard 2 & Drain-Guard 2 INDENT ONLY - V93033

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